Let me tell you a little about myself. I moved to Airdrie in 2012 with my husband and daughter. We instantly fell in love with the city and decided to call it home. Since moving here, we have welcomed a second little girl into our lives and convinced my family, as well as my husbands family, to make the move here too! I am a country girl at heart, but believe in innovation with responsible advancement.
Some of my hobbies include gardening, singing, cooking, reading and learning. I am a lover of all animals. I love to be involved wherever I can and truly believe that volunteering ones time, is one of the best things you can do for your own well being, while making a difference in your community.
I am extremely passionate about education for families relating to healthy habits for children and the whole family. As the co-host of "Tina's Tips" on Air 106.1, I was able to share my knowledge on healthy meal tips, healthy lunchbox tips for school, budgeting skills, home organization skills and healthy practices for calming the mind and creating less stress in our daily lives.
I have had the immense honour of being your Council representative for the last 6 years. During this time I have worked hard for you, each and everyday. I have dedicated far more than the "part time" commitment that this job entails, because I truly believe that you deserve more from your council. By taking on additional boards, committees, tasks, responsibilities, workshops and seminars; I have made sure that I am always, learning more, to do more for you. We can learn so much, simply by listening and I have learned so much from our residents here, my colleagues within the City and throughout the Province. There is always something new and exciting to learn, and you can be guaranteed that I will be learning it.
Adopt-A-Book Campaign at the Airdrie Public Library - 2019
With the Nose Creek Players after a very successful show.
Why Run for Council Again? That is a very easy answer... I love my job!
Each and everyday, I learn something new and I am able to pass that knowledge along to anyone who wants to have it.
I have the pleasure of meeting all of you, listening to your thoughts, experiences, struggles and joining you in your celebrations.
I am someone who loves a challenge and this job is a lot of that, all the time. No two days are ever the same and there is always something new to find a solution for.
Getting to brag about our community at every table I sit at is a great feeling. Airdrie has a lot to be proud of - and I appreciate being able to highlight what we do and inspire other municipalities to follow suit.
I always finish what I start. I have been your relentless advocate and I would like to continue carrying your voice forward for projects like the:
New multi-use Library facility,
New West Side Recreational Facility,
Affordable Housing Strategy
East Points Industrial Area
Downtown Redevelopment
and more...
I love this city and the people in it. This is where my family calls home; where my kids will grow up. I would like to continue working for you, and with you, to make sure it is the best community possible.
Sirens Charity Hockey Game with My 3 Favourite Mascots